Friday, February 12, 2010

WAR Script Info

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This allows for an easy to use Spellcast script that equips sets of gear for TP, RR and KJ based on any number of active buffs. Gear sets for each TP, KJ and RR are numbered between 1 and 9 and the player chooses which numbered sets to use for any combination of buffs. When inputting a new variable, this script uses the first number for TP set, the second for RR set and the third for KJ. Following each triple number segment identifies which particular active buffs. Furthermore, by naming variables using monster names, area names and an “Else” variable, the script checks for target, then area and if neither found as a variable “Else” is used. A very basic understanding of Spellcast is necessary.

Basic Variables – Aggressor up/down

The most frequent problem WAR scripts run into is allowing for Aggressor up/down swaps for a wide variety of situations. If a player is going through the trouble of making aggressor up/down swaps, they should, at the very least, base it on target because of accuracy differences. Using this script as is, it becomes trivial and easy for the average player. For example, let’s imagine a player used only these three variables.

When the player fights a Greater Colibri, they will use TP set 1, RR set 1 and KJ set 1 when aggressor is not active. If Aggressor is active, they will use TP set 2, RR set 2 and KJ set 2 instead.

When the player ventures to West Ronfaure, they will use TP set 2, RR set 2 and KJ set 2 all the time on any target in that area.

If the player engaged any other target, they will use TP set 3, RR set 4, KJ set 5 when Aggressor is not active and TP set 4, RR set 5, KJ set 6 when it is active.

It’s important to remember that the script checks for target name first, then if not found it will check for area name. If neither is applicable, it will use “Else”. With this, you can create a lot of different variables for monsters and areas as you see fit.

That’s all there is to it, I honestly couldn’t make it any simpler to use.

Advanced Variables – Two or more Buffs

Although basing your variables on just Aggressor is sufficient for most situations, I’ve incorporated the ability to depend on up to 6 buffs (debuffs count too) for extra fine tuning. There are a few extra rules to remember when using more than just one buff.

Firstly, you will notice these additional variables in the script.

These are the buffs the script checks for and the short form you use in making variables. For example, Aggressor is denoted as “A” for variables in the previous section. By default I’ve chosen to include; Aggressor = A, Madrigal = M, Hasso = H, Mighty Strikes = S and Blind = B. Also, the buffs are prioritized where 1Buff (Aggressor) is highest and 5Buff (Blind) is lowest. The option to change the buffs and/or priority is given to the player. When writing the short form of buffs, you must write them in decreasing priority. That is to say, A > M > H > S > B

The clearest way to explain these necessities and practical uses is through examples.

Example 1 - The Wrong Way

The above variable will not work properly. In the segment 333HM, notice that Hasso(H) comes before Madrigal(M) but M is actually higher in priority. H needs to be written after M for this to work. This is in some sense a spellcast limitation, the work around for this would be including regex in naming sets or loops (never going to happen). Another work around to this would be changing the way the script is written, but it would include an incredible amount of extra lines.

333HM doesn’t work, but 333MH works.

Example 2 - Most Specific

This is the correction of the previous example. The first check seeks the segment that contains the most buffs. If the variable above is used while having Aggressor, Madrigal and Hasso active, then in this case the script will use 333MH because it is contains the most currently active buffs.

The order 111 222A 333MH does not matter either. You can rewrite it as 333MH 111 222A and it will do exactly the same.

Example 3 - Highest Priority

After checking for most currently active buffs, the next check is priority. If you have Aggressor, Madrigal and Hasso active, the script will use 222A because Aggressor is highest in priority.

Example 4 - Blind

This example is to illustrate another practical use of this script incorporating blind/flash. Pretend 333 sets are high accuracy gear, while 222 sets are a middle ground of accuracy/haste/attack and 111 sets are mostly haste/attack. Then if fighting a Greater Colibri, you will use 222(mid) when you’ve either no buffs or blinded with aggressor up, 111(low) when aggressor is up and 333(high) when blinded.

Example 5 - Real Time Variables

There are many times when you come across monsters that you do not frequently fight and really don't care take the time to write these variables head of time. A perfect example are nyzul NMs. Some of the stronger NMs you would want to adjust your gear accordingly, because of the way this script is laid out it's especially easy to quickly change gear sets on the fly using windower and spellcast commands.

The command to create or change variables in chat is:

//sc set "name" "value"

For example, let's say I'm fighting Fafnir in Nyzul and I do not have any specific variable for him, but I want to create one. I would type the following:

//sc set "Fafnir" "111 222A"

If you have noticed in my script, I arranged my gear sets in a very specific manner. Set 1 always has the least accuracy and as set number increases, the accuracy in the sets increase as well. It's much more intuitive creating variable in real time this way because you don't need to remember which sets are which.

Other Functions

- Idling gear used when running around.

- Casting gear for Utsusemi, Monomi and Tonko.

- Enmity gear for Provoke and Animated Flourish, if you don't use any then just leave the set blank as a placeholder for the future in case you change your mind.

- Curing Waltz gear does not equip unless you have the required TP.

- You do not switch to WS gear unless you have 100+ TP, this is for people who spam their WS macros to use TP right away.

- Steel Cyclone has one set, since it's roughly 95% ACC anyway.

- Automatically equip Warrior's Mask for Warcry.

- Automatically equip Throwing Tomahawk for Tomahawk.

- If you use Unicorn Leggings, set the variable to 1. Unicorn Leggings will equip when latent is active for casting Utsusemi and engaged when you are not using Aurum Sabatons.

- When Fortitude Axe is equipped, Virtue Stones equip automatically when fighting or idling. Meaning you can use other ammo for WS.

- Ulthalam Ring locks on the finger it's on when you are in an assault area.

- Cancel Plugin is set to work for Monomi, Utsusemi and Spectral Jig. Only need to load the plugin for it to work.

- To preserve macro space, I only have a macros for Utsusemi Ichi and Ni, but not Segian, Third Eye, Healing Waltz and Curing Waltz II. When subbing SAM, this script changes Ichi to Seigan and Ni to Third Eye. Also, when subbing DNC, this script changes Ichi to Healing Waltz and Ni to Curing Waltz II.